Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (Jan – Mar 2023)

Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (Jan – Mar 2023)

गोपनीयता र डाटाको गोपनीयताको गफ पछिल्लो तीन महिनामा गोपनियता भंग भएका केहि घटनाहरु हामीले अवलोकन गर्यौँ । यी घटनाहरुलाई हेर्दा यो राज्य पक्ष र सेवा प्रदायकको प्रत्यक्ष लापरवाही थियो, साथै यसको परिणाम अनलाइन माध्यमबाट हुने विभिन्न हिंसा (जस्तै मानसिक हिंसा) को कारक पनि...

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Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (July to September 2022)

Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (July to September 2022)

Freedom of Expression The arrest of comedian Apoorwa Kshitiz Singh once again raised questions regarding freedom of speech; a right guaranteed by the Nepal Constitution. Singh was arbitrarily arrested on charges of attacking and defaming the Newa culture, practices...

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I am you

I am you

Written and Illustrated by Agrani Thakuri Jha      I am “a girl”; just like you, and everyone else. I loved to lead a colorful yet peaceful life filled with energy. And, I utilized this energy to become a better person every day. While, I loved...

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Exposé by Shuvangi Khadka

Exposé by Shuvangi Khadka

Content Creator: Shuvangi Khadka   "Suddenly I realize, I am hovering in the phone cloud somewhere. This is me, her, they, you, she, us. Our pictures floating in strange hands, sold in the value of discarded paper, and glass.. traded in locker rooms. I never show...

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