नेपालमा नागरिक पत्रकारिताको बृहत्तर परिवेश
लेखकः वर्षा बराल यो लेख अंग्रेजीबाट नेपालीमा अनुवाद भएको हो | यो लेख अंग्रेजीमा पढ्न यता अनुवाद: बिभु लुइँटेल इन्टरनेट र उन्नत प्रविधिको विकासले पारम्परिक सञ्चारलाई नयाँ खालको सञ्चारतर्फ डोहोर्याउन प्रशस्तै बाटो खोलेको छ । नयाँ सञ्चार विधिको विकासशील रुप हो मोबाइल...
The meaning of a woman’s sexual expression
Illustration by Yozana Magar Written by: Babita Rai This piece was originally translated from Khas Nepali language. You can find the original article here Translated by: Bibhu Luitel The story of self-censorship 'Do women masturbate, too?' This...
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report on Digital Rights in Nepal (October – December 2021)
Government’s ambitious plans on digitization but without proper data protection law in place The government of Nepal has made ambitious plans under Digital Nepal Framework. However, the offices have failed to adopt digital technologies to make the administrative...
Less of Who I am?
Article by Bichen, Photo by Bichen's Partner Taking 'Gender Studies' as my minor was never really my intention. It started with me taking one class out of pure curiosity. Never thought there was much to it until the classes started making me question the things...
इन्टरनेटलाई नयाँ हाउगुजी नबनाऔं
लेखक कविता बाहिङ बाल्यकालमा तपाईंहरूलाई कसैले, ‘यो नगर, त्यो नगर, तिमी सानो छौ, तिमीलाई आउँदैन, तिमी सक्दैनौ, तिम्रो लागि यो ठीक होइन’ भन्दा कस्तो महसुस हुन्थ्यो ? मलाई चाहिँ अरूले त्यसो भन्दा म त्यो काम गर्न सक्छु जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । अहिले सम्झिन्छु, सानो...
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report on Digital Rights in Nepal (July – September 2021)
Digital Nepal and Smart Cities; Promises made, but not kept When the government launched Nagarik App, it was with the promise of making services easier and decreasing the lines at the government offices. However, some of the services take longer now after...
४ युटुवर पक्राउ सम्बन्धी घटनाबारे हाम्रो धारणा
नेपाल प्रहरीले हालसालै ४ जना युट्युबरहरुलाई महिलाको चरित्र हत्या गरेको आरोपमा पक्राउ गरेको छ । उक्त सन्दर्भमा यस्तो खालको जटिल विषयलाई केही सामाजिक साँस्कृतिक परिवेश र यसको डिजिटल अधिकारसँगको अन्र्तसम्बन्धबारे केलाउदै हाम्रो आफ्नो टिप्पणी प्रस्तुत गर्न चाहन्छौं ।...
Body, Society & Tech: Dating as a Trans Woman in Nepal
Author Rukshana Kapali It was the chilly morning of Yamari Punhi. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiii as I stretched my arms and feet outright, the freezing air kissed my skin, Aaaachhoooooooo, I pulled them in my fāngā. As I squeeze in my body, gently massage my...
Nuances of Digital Citizen Journalism in Nepal
Writer: Barsha Baral The evolution of the internet and advanced technology has unfolded a pathway to revolutionize traditional media into new media. The emerging form of new media storytelling is mobile journalism. One doesn’t necessarily have to be...
यौनिक अभिव्यक्तिमाथि नियन्त्रण किन?
लेखक - रीता बरामु समाज लामो कपाल पाल्ने र कानमा मुन्द्रा लाउने हजारभन्दा बढी केटालाई ‘चुल्ठेमुन्द्रे’ भन्दै प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिई कपाल काटिदिएको र मुन्द्रासमेत निकाल्न लगाएको घटना धेरै वर्ष भएको छैन । प्रहरीले त्यसरी नै होटेलको कोठाबाट जोडीहरू...