Digital Sex Work: An Inside Perspective
Written by Autobiographer Sex work can be defined as the exchange of specific sexual services. The experiences of people who engage in sex work are incredibly diverse and influenced by social structures and economic realities. While some individuals may freely...
अनलाइन जातवाद; अनुभव र प्रभाव
-राधिका परियार मैले फेसबुक चलाउन थालेको सन् २०१३ हो, जति बेला नाम राधिका कार्की राखे । मैले किन कार्की राखे भन्ने कुरा हिमाल खबरमा प्रकाशित लेखमास्पष्ट पारेकि छु । सन् २०१५ देखि २०१९ सम्म मैले राधिका मात्र राखेर चलाए, त्यो समय नाम पछाडिको थर सोध्नेहरुको हरेक...
Letter to Journalist
Written by Saru Date: 18th October, 2023To, The Journalist, Who stole my story Nepal Subject: Reminder to be accountable Dear Friend, I hope you are doing well. I love reading your writings, I still follow your news stories and I am so glad and happy for the...
Anonymous Comfort
Written by Safal Lama Every one of us felt uncomfortable and unhappy for being who we are at some point in our lives. It could be regarding our sexuality, Physical appearance, skin color, caste, culture, language, family background, or geographical structure....
निर्वाचन आयोगलाई “मतदाताको व्यक्तिगत विवरण र गोपनीयता सम्बन्धि ज्ञापन पत्र”
यहि मिति ४ जुलाई २०२२ मा, बडी एण्ड डाटा लगायत अन्य नागरिक समाज समुहहरुले निर्वाचन आयोग प्रमुख दिनेश थपलियासंग भेटघाट र छलफल गरी नेपालमा “मतदाताको व्यक्तिगत विवरण र गोपनीयता सम्बन्धि ज्ञापन पत्र“ पेश गर्यौ | उक्त ज्ञापन पत्रमा बिभिन्न २४ राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तराष्ट्रिय गैर...
Less of Who I am?
Article by Bichen, Photo by Bichen's Partner Taking 'Gender Studies' as my minor was never really my intention. It started with me taking one class out of pure curiosity. Never thought there was much to it until the classes started making me question the things...
Look at me now
Article and photograph by : edamame The year is 2009. I am wearing my favorite tights, the black see-through ones with bright neon blue lines that create long spirals around the length of my legs when I put them on. I am topless; lying on my stomach with my ass on...
Social Media Management Directive 2021 and Its Problems
Recently, the Information and Communication Department came up with "Social Media Management Directives" to manage and limit social media on the grounds of morality. This social media directive plays a huge role in shaping how our online space and behavior works and...
महिलाको यौनिक अभिव्यक्तिको अर्थ
Illustration by Yozana Magar लेखक - बबिता राई स्व-सेन्सरसीपको कथा 'के महिलाले पनि हस्तमैथुन गर्छन्?' करिब चार वर्षअघि एउटा फेसबुक पेजमा अकस्मात देख्न पुगेको यो प्रश्नले मलाई खुब बिझायो र पुरुषहरुको मात्र भीड रहेको कमेन्ट सेक्सनमुनि घुसेर...