Digital Sex Work: An Inside Perspective
Written by Autobiographer Sex work can be defined as the exchange of specific sexual services. The experiences of people who engage in sex work are incredibly diverse and influenced by social structures and economic realities. While some individuals may freely...
There is no one single story to Pride
Written by Neha Gauchan Trigger Warning* mentions of hate speech and experiences of attacks June is the month of much anticipation, not only because it’s Pride month but also because of the beauty it holds by bringing individuals together through...
My Love-Hate Relationship with Dating Apps
Written by Bibhu I installed Tinder for the first time a few years ago to ‘get over’ an ugly breakup. Extraordinarily soon after pledging singlehood, I needed to fall into one dalliance then another. Or so to speak, my body asked for one. My best friend had...
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (Oct to Dec 2022)
E-governance Election In numerous amount of news and media coverage was observed during the federal and parliamentary level election held on 20 November 2022. Media reports touched upon topics such as election’s code of conduct, candidates’ political campaign through...
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (July to September 2022)
Freedom of Expression The arrest of comedian Apoorwa Kshitiz Singh once again raised questions regarding freedom of speech; a right guaranteed by the Nepal Constitution. Singh was arbitrarily arrested on charges of attacking and defaming the Newa culture, practices...
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (Apr – June 2023)
अभिवाक्ति स्वतन्त्रता र प्रविधिमा आधारित/ अनलाईन हिंसा जूनको महिनालाई प्राईड मान्थ भनिन्छ | विविध पहिचान बोकेका क्वेर समुदाय (लैंगिक पहिचान, लैंगिक अभिव्यक्ति, यौनिक अभिमुखीकरण, र यौनिक विशेषता) भएका व्यक्तिहरूले यस महिनालाई उत्सवको रूपमा मनाउने गर्दछन् । सो उत्सव...
Inclusion Matters: Towards Comprehensive Sexual Education for Women with Disabilities in the Digital Age
Written by Jalasa Sapkota The Importance of Comprehensive Sexual Education for Women with Disabilities: In our contemporary society, discussions surrounding sexuality have long been constrained and deemed as taboo. Nevertheless, it is imperative for us to recognize...
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (Jan – Mar 2023)
गोपनीयता र डाटाको गोपनीयताको गफ पछिल्लो तीन महिनामा गोपनियता भंग भएका केहि घटनाहरु हामीले अवलोकन गर्यौँ । यी घटनाहरुलाई हेर्दा यो राज्य पक्ष र सेवा प्रदायकको प्रत्यक्ष लापरवाही थियो, साथै यसको परिणाम अनलाइन माध्यमबाट हुने विभिन्न हिंसा (जस्तै मानसिक हिंसा) को कारक पनि...
Anonymous Comfort
Written by Safal Lama Every one of us felt uncomfortable and unhappy for being who we are at some point in our lives. It could be regarding our sexuality, Physical appearance, skin color, caste, culture, language, family background, or geographical structure....
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (April to June 2022)
Privacy and Data Privacy The government's imposition of embossed number plates sparked discourse regarding the relevancy of such digitalization initiatives from the government and beneficiaries' financial capacity to own such technology. The discourse was also centred...