Digitization of Identities: Efforts, Experiences and Effects
Biometric digital identity (ID) systems are being promoted by national governments, multilateral development agencies, and the private sector as the universal solution for legal identification. This pilot study examines the above premise against Nepal’s National...
नेपालमा पहिचानको डिजिटाइजेसनः प्रयत्न, अनुभव र प्रभाव
बायोमेट्रिक डिजिटल पहिचान प्रणालीहरूलाई राष्ट्रिय सरकारहरू, बहुपक्षीय विकास नियोगहरू, र निजी क्षेत्रहरूले मानिसहरूको आधारभूत पहिचानपत्रबिना कानूनी पहिचान, समावेशी विकास, र आर्थिक वृद्धिको विश्वव्यापी समाधानको रुपमा प्रबर्द्धन गर्ने गरेका छन्। यो पाइलट अध्ययनले नेपालको...
Body & Data Bytes Bulletin : Newsletters Archive
Welcome to our newsletter, "Body & Data Bytes Bulletin!" Join us as we delve into our comprehensive analysis of the digital rights landscape in Nepal, our work in national and international spaces, workshops with different movements and activists and our recent...
Scrutinizing the Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Technologies: A need for bridging gender digital divide
Policy brief by Body & Data and WOREC In today’s age, digital technologies are instrumental to access information, to express and explore oneself and to find communities. In a survey research (Body & Data, 2021) conducted with total 300 young people in Nepal...
Quarterly Media Monitoring Report (Apr – June 2023)
अभिवाक्ति स्वतन्त्रता र प्रविधिमा आधारित/ अनलाईन हिंसा जूनको महिनालाई प्राईड मान्थ भनिन्छ | विविध पहिचान बोकेका क्वेर समुदाय (लैंगिक पहिचान, लैंगिक अभिव्यक्ति, यौनिक अभिमुखीकरण, र यौनिक विशेषता) भएका व्यक्तिहरूले यस महिनालाई उत्सवको रूपमा मनाउने गर्दछन् । सो उत्सव...
There is no one single story to Pride
Written by Neha Gauchan Trigger Warning* mentions of hate speech and experiences of attacks June is the month of much anticipation, not only because it’s Pride month but also because of the beauty it holds by bringing individuals together through...
Inclusion Matters: Towards Comprehensive Sexual Education for Women with Disabilities in the Digital Age
Written by Jalasa Sapkota The Importance of Comprehensive Sexual Education for Women with Disabilities: In our contemporary society, discussions surrounding sexuality have long been constrained and deemed as taboo. Nevertheless, it is imperative for us to recognize...
Digital Security Workshop with Prayatna Nepal
In early 2023, we had a workshop with Prayatna Nepal about digital rights, organization security and digital security tools. Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. The organization works top empower visually...
My Love-Hate Relationship with Dating Apps
Written by Bibhu I installed Tinder for the first time a few years ago to ‘get over’ an ugly breakup. Extraordinarily soon after pledging singlehood, I needed to fall into one dalliance then another. Or so to speak, my body asked for one. My best friend had...
डिजिटल दुनियाँ कहिले बन्छ अपांगतामैत्री ?
लेखक - सरिता लामिछाने ई-कागजमा पहिले प्रकाशित भएको अत्याधुनिक एवं नवीनतम प्रविधि र सूचनाको विकासले समग्र विश्वलाई नै एउटा सानो गाउँमा रूपान्तरण गरेको छ । अधिकांश सार्वजनिक सूचना, सेवा र पठन सामग्री डिजिटल ढाँचामा निर्माण भइरहेका छन् । तथापि त्यसलाई सम्पूर्ण...