Stickers’ printed copies are available. If you would like to have a copy, please do contact us here.
बिग्रेकी केटी (Spoiled Woman)
“Bigreki keti!” (Spoiled girl) challenges stereotypes associated with women, mainly the ‘good girl bad girl’ image that is imposed onto women. This sticker is about owning yourself and what you do, regardless of how society labels you.
“बिग्रेकी केटी!”ले महिला वा केटी माथि हुने वर्गीकरणलाई चुनौती गर्छ । हामी महिलाले आफुलाई जुन रूपमा पेश गरे पनि समाजले हामीलाई “राम्री “, “नराम्री “, वा “सोजी “, “बिग्रेकी ” भनेर वर्गीकरण गर्न खोज्छ । यस्ता वर्गीकरणले हाम्रो खुबी झाल्काउक दैन र यदी समाजले हामीलाई “बिग्रेकी केटी” भन्छ भने हामी यसको स्वामित्व लिन सक्छौं
यो मेरो हो (This is mine!)
“Yo mero ho!” (This is mine) is about ownership. Ownership of our identity, our bodies, our devices and our data. We own them and they belong to us and no one has right to access them or use them or distort them without our consent.
“यो मेरो हो!” ले हाम्रो स्वामित्व जनाउछ । हाम्रो शरिर्, हाम्रो पहिचान , हाम्रो उपकरणहरू र हाम्रो डेता माथि हाम्रो मात्रै हक हुन्छ । हामीले तिनीहरुसँग जे गर्छौ, हाम्रो मात्र सरोकर हुन्छ ।
कसैले हाम्रो अनुमती बिना ति चिजहरु पहुँच गर्न पाउदैन ।
के हेर्या? (What are you looking at?)
“K Herya?” (What are you looking at?) is a part of our stickers series. Have you ever received unwarranted gazes while you are in a public space? A lot of times these stares can feel uncomfortable and invasive. “K Herya?” is a way of fighting back, calling out these strangers, letting them know that what we do and who we are is none of their business.
“K Herya?” also sheds light on how important privacy is in relationship to our data and consent. The data and devices we own are ours only and not for the viewing of others.
के हेर्या ?” हाम्रो बिभिन्न स्टिकरहरु मध्य एक हो । यस्ले समाजमा महिला तथा लैङ्गिक र यौनिक अल्पसंख्यक माथि पर्ने अक्सर आक्रामक हेराइको विरुद्धमा बोल्छ । तपाईं जे गर्नु हुन्छ, जसरि हिन्नु हुन्छ, तपाईंको मात्र सरोकर हुन्छ, अरुको होईन ।
साथ्साथै, हाम्रो बिभिन्न उपकारण र डेता माथि हाम्रो मात्रै अधिकार हुन्छ, अरुको हेराइ को लागि होईन ।
जे गरे नि मेरो इछ्या (I do what I wish)
“Je gare ni mero icchya!” (I do what I wish) is about bodily and personal automony. We all have the capacity to decide for ourselves. Our bodies, identity and data are our own choices and only we get to decide what to do for us. We will not be restricted by the narrow stereotypes of society.
“जे गरे नि मेरो इछ्या!”, हामी सबै सँग आफ्नो लागि निर्णय गर्ने क्षमता हुन्छ । हामी जे गर्छौ आ-आफ्नो इछ्याले गर्छौ । हाम्रो शरिर , पहिचान , उपकरण, र डेता सँग हामी जे जे गर्छौ आफ्नै चाहनले गर्छौ । समाजले यसमा प्रतिबन्ध गर्न सक्दैन ।